quarterly update November 2022

I’m going to try to post 4x a year since I have mostly quit social media. School I am in my second year of law school. I am scheduled to graduate in May 2024 but may try to exit a semester early (December 2023). I had to take the Spring 2021 semester off after starting … [Read more…]

I have an LSAT podcast –


For SEO purposes, I’m announcing my podcasts here and linking back to the announcement on my business website. One of the frustrating things about studying for the LSAT was how convoluted, condescending, or downright unclear some of the free question explanations online were. I ended up hiring a tutor because I couldn’t reliably find good … [Read more…]

we’ll miss you, CDPG

I feel truly bad for young people who have no occasion to go to the funerals of older people who have lived good lives. One of the loveliest things about living in Blue Island is getting to know our neighbors, who come from all walks of life. Observing milestone events in the lives of our … [Read more…]

logistics after unattended death

My neighbor died suddenly earlier this year, and I want to share information about this process since the google results for this tend to be infotisements for death cleaning services. I feel absolutely sick about this situation: we cared very much for our neighbor and hadn’t visited much with her because we were afraid of … [Read more…]

major life updates, part II

Readers who follow me on Instagram already know my big news: I started law school! This isn’t exactly a longtime dream, as I have talked myself out of applying to law school for at least the past five years (and maybe closer to ten). Many of my friends and colleagues regretted their decisions to attend and … [Read more…]


I have wanted LASIK for a long time, especially as the astigmatism in my right eye developed to the point where I could only see clearly with my glasses if I looked out through a certain angle. (I also wanted it because I am beginning to have some issues with melasma, and I wanted the … [Read more…]


Not long after my last blog post about how I was planning to buy a house in 2018, the perfect house for me came on the market. I am scheduled to close on September 30th! I’m very grateful to my colleagues at the Access Board for referring me to Rick Carroll. I also worked with … [Read more…]

performing at Story District!

whiskey dick

I’m performing for the first time at Story District next Tuesday, September 13. You can buy tickets here for $15. Spoiler alert / trigger warning: my story is mostly about my menstrual cup. I would be really happy to see friends there! The other stories are pretty great too.