LSAT tutoring

Please find below information about my current availability and a list to posts and resources about the LSAT and law school admissions.

Last updated: 8 November 2022

Current availability and rates:

1:1 tutoring: I will begin accepting students on December 15, 2022. Please email contact @ to join my waitlist.

Classes: My company offers online classes by request. We have a 20-hour course with an additional 15 hours of review sessions. 10-student minimum/15-student max; $500/student. We can arrange in-person classes for students in Austin, Chicago, Detroit, and New York City.

Email contact @ for information.


elleSAT’s LSAT podcast – I explain LSAT questions, hopefully more clearly than some other people do.

elleSAT’s Reading List – I send a newsletter with articles that cover subjects you might see on the LSAT. Sometimes I also announce scholarships or sales.

elleSAT’s blog – I try to write posts that address the things people are googling when they find our sites. Also: announcements about our business, including scholarships, advice, resources, etc.

elleSAT’s Instagram – The account I wish had existed when I was studying for the LSAT, featuring gentle encouragement, tips, and self-care reminders

Me and the LSAT

My LSAT journey/personal FAQ

FAQ for people considering me as an LSAT tutor